For Shoppers
Browse our categories or use the search bar to find what you need. Once you find a product you love, click “Add to Cart” and proceed to checkout. You can customize certain items by filling out "Add Your Personalization" options provided on the product page.
Yes! Many of our vendors offer customization options for items like invitations, decorations, and wedding favors. You can customize certain items by filling out "Add Your Personalization" options provided on the product page or contact the seller directly for special requests.
If you have questions about a product, click the “Store” button on the product page. Fill out the "Inquiry" form on the seller's page to send a message directly to the vendor.
We accept major credit cards, PayPal, and other secure payment methods. All transactions are encrypted for your safety.
Yes! We use industry-standard encryption and security measures to protect your personal and payment information.
Delivery times vary depending on the product, location, and customization requirements. Estimated delivery times are provided on each product page. Please contact the seller for specific timelines.
Our return policy depends on the individual seller. Check the product page for details or contact the seller directly. Note that digital, custom or personalized items may not be eligible for returns.
Yes! Once your order is shipped, you’ll receive a tracking number via email. You can also find tracking details in your account under “My Orders.”
Shipping policies vary by seller. Check the product page for international shipping availability or contact the seller for more details.
If your order is damaged, contact the seller immediately with photos of the item and packaging. They’ll assist with a replacement or refund. If you need additional support, reach out to our customer service team.
For Sellers
It’s easy to get started! Click on the “Sell On Weddingbasic” or "Vendor Registration" link or find Seller list at the bottom of the page to create an account and set up your shop. You’ll be guided through the steps to list your products.
You can sell wedding-related products and services such as decorations, dresses, invitations, favors, photography packages, and more. All listings must comply with our seller policies.
No shop set up, product listing or monthly fees. We charge 4% commission and payment processing (3%+$0.25) fees on each sale. Visit our “Sell on Weddingbasic” page for detailed information about costs.
Payments are deposited directly into your PayPal or bank account. You can set up your payout preferences in your seller dashboard.
You can manage all orders through your seller dashboard. For each order, you’ll receive notifications with shipping details. Be sure to mark orders as shipped and provide tracking numbers when applicable.
Absolutely! Custom orders are a big part of the wedding industry. Be sure to specify your customization options and timelines clearly in your listings.
We encourage open communication between buyers and sellers to resolve disputes. If you need additional assistance, our support team is here to help mediate.
Wedding Basic
New York, USA