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MS Wedding

Shipping Policy

Estimated processing time 1-3 days.

Estimate delivery time 7-15 days.

Refund Policy

-Delayed Orders: Orders No Found, In transit, Pending, Expired with more than 45 days.

- The tracking number doesn’t show any change or information.

To get the refund, please contact us (send image or video of the product) not later then 3 days after receiving the order if:

- Orders arrived damaged.

– Order arrived damaged and the customer doesn’t want the replacement to be sent.

- For orders that are marked as delivered but not received, you must obtain a non-delivery certification from your local post office. We will then process a refund or resend.

- Bad quality.

- Wrong item.

Cancellation / Return / Exchange Policy

- Orders can be canceled for a full refund before they are processed by our warehouse.
- Once payment is made, customized orders cannot be canceled.

- If you receive a damaged, wrong product or item is missing, please provide photos or videos as evidence. We will refund, resend, or accept the return.

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